13 février 2013

These kind of people

Some of you may have already noticed, on the right of the page there is a Flattr button.

This is a website of microdonation, who gives people the opportunity to promote me, by giving little donations, the principe is pretty nice, because it's totally free for me, really encouraging and not expensive at all for you.
So the other day I was surprisingly happy to see that someone gave me 1,50€, which is a lot for a single person on this site. Yup, I'm not yet a Picsou/Foster Kane/Rockefeller. But it's a beginning really motivating, and I now have a brand-new pencil-sharpener !

It gave me the idea to do this post, because I really want to thanks all those follow me, and who have been coming here more often every weeks.

So, everyone, THANKS A LOT !!
Un grand merci a tous et a toutes qui êtes de plus en plus nombreux a venir ici, a promouvoir mon travail, a m'encourager et a me faire marrer (voir commentaire la fin de ce post). 

Merci au mystérieux inconnu qui a été le premmier a m'envoyer un don sur Flattr, j'écris ton nom en lettres de feu dans un ciel étoilé !

Je me suis calé sur un rythme qui me va assez bien, j'alterne entre Bds et paintings, ça vous permet d'avoir un contenu a lire et je peux me faire plaisir. J'èspère envoyer de la régularité malgrès mes voyages, je repart bientôt de Montréal pour continuer mon mode de vie d'illustrateur vagabond !


 I can't resist to put an awesome comment I've just received on Deviant Art :

Ahah thanks again dude !

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